A Call To Live Your Best Life

“Spending time on ourselves helps enable us to give our best and be our best to others as well.”

Hi, I’m Jeremy, and I’m so grateful that you are here. 

Thanks to a young couples group I attended over 30 years ago, I had the opportunity to press the pause button one afternoon and thoroughly assess my life at that moment, as well as my future. Although I was initially hesitant, I quickly found myself excited and inspired by the potential that lay ahead in my future.

That powerful exercise had a ripple effect on every aspect of my life and ignited a lifelong pledge to always live my best life. 

Prioritizing Health and Happiness

Good health is the cornerstone of a fulfilling life. When it falters, it affects every facet of our existence, which is why I strive to never take it for granted.

As an adult, I’ve trained to become an accomplished ultra-athlete, successfully running the Boston Marathon, completing an Ironman, a 100-mile road race, and marathons in 37 states to date. 

The drive for growth and excellence continues to push me.

These athletic achievements have not only enriched my life but have also fueled my passion for promoting the significance of healthy living throughout my leadership roles and speaking engagements, inspiring others to cherish their well-being for a life lived well.

Leadership in Health

Professionally, I’ve been an executive in the health sector for many years. I’ve had the pleasure of working with organizations that provide exceptional services to the local community and are ranked at a national level, such as Johns Hopkins, Mayo Health Systems, University of Maryland, and Providence St. Joseph Health, to name a few.

As a healthcare leader, our teams have consistently excelled, ranking in the top 5% for both employee engagement and patient experience nationally, while also earning recognition as regional and national leaders in other various fields.

I believe when you create a culture of respect, excellence, joy, and compassion, you can accomplish amazing things as a team.

Inspiring Others To Live Well

My life has been a tapestry of diverse experiences, blending the worlds of leadership, healthcare, athleticism, and the profound joy of being a husband and father. I now use these amazing experiences and lessons to help individuals unlock their full potential and live with gratitude and intention. 

It is my goal to empower others to lead with purpose, prioritize their health and well-being, and chase their dreams relentlessly.

More About Jeremy

I grew up in a small town in southern Minnesota. I attended Iowa State University for Business Administration, Washington University in St. Louis for graduate school, and received my Ph.D. from Virginia Commonwealth University. 

I credit my faith, family, and friends for being a constant focus, keeping me centered and grounded. I love traveling, and experiencing cultures, and was fortunate to take my children to all 50 states and 5 continents before my daughter started university.

Between marathons, I keep active through waterskiing, wakeboarding, snowboarding, and snow skiing. 

Remaining items on my bucket list: learning how to sail, riding my bike across the United States, being in a Mardi Gras parade, spending time in Japan, and continuing to inspire others to be their best through new speaking experiences.

Why concentrate on this stuff amidst all the other things to worry about… because…

someday we won’t get to do this.

I love this phrase and often reflect on it when I’m struggling through a workout, enjoying a beautiful day on the water, or spending time with people.